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This is an open-source MATLAB code bundle to extract and analyze characteristics of the compound action potential (CAP). Please see the example_script_Frontiers.m file for detailed instructions on how to use the script and analyze data.


This open-source MATLAB-based code to extract and analyze characteristics of the compound action potential (CAP). Please see the example_script_Frontiers.m file for detailed instructions on how to use the script and analyze data.

Getting Started

Neuroshare library

Users will also need to download the Neuroshare library, which allows to read MCD files. This can be done manually, from the Multichannel Systems website.

Files for examples and tests

The files used in the script_for_example_data.m can be downloaded manually through the GitHub repository website.

Quick start guide

For analysis of your own data find our quick start script here.

Getting Help

Bug Reports and Further Assistance

Although we are unable to guarantee a response to all requests for assistance, please submit questions or bug reports via the GitHub repository issues page.


Please see the file for details.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License. Please see the LICENSE.txt file for details.

Although the GNU General Public License does not permit terms requiring users to cite the research paper where this software was originally published (see here), we request that any research making use of this software does cite the paper, as well as papers describing any algorithms used, in keeping with normal academic practice.


CAP-analysis has been developed at the University of Zurich by:

Code of Conduct

Please see the file for details.